March - April 2025 Newsletter
Are you age 50 and older and looking for fun and friendship?
Welcome to Brandywine Senior Center!
Each day offers a mix of formal activities, classes, and trips, as well as informal activities such as cards, billiards, and BINGO.
Come work on a 3D puzzle with your new friends, or enjoy some cake at our monthly birthday parties.
There’s something for everyone!
We offer a variety of activities in one convenient location!
Health & Wellness
We offer many ways for you to keep active. Join our exercise classes, designed for various abilities, or try a line dance class. You’ll also enjoy our fitness room, which includes treadmills, bikes, and other equipment. We also have pool tables available. Want to learn more about your health? Come listen to our guest speakers, who present information on a host of wellness topics.
Trips & Transportation
Want to travel? Leave the logistics to us! We organize local and regional trips to restaurants, museums, beaches, shopping, and casinos, just to name a few. Sometimes we coordinate longer adventures to places like Savannah, GA and Lake George, NY. Need a ride to get here? We provide bus transportation to and from the Center for a small fee most weekdays.
We provide all sorts of learning opportunities. Come listen to guest speakers who share information on topics of interest to you. Join us on trips to the Camden Aquarium, Hagley Museum, U.S. Mint, and more. Improve your computer skills or take up painting. At our center, there’s always something new to try!
Food Services
A steaming pot of coffee awaits you when you arrive at our center – and that’s just the beginning! A hot, nutritious, and delicious lunch is available daily with a requested donation. Enjoy special meals throughout the year at holidays and celebrations, or join us for breakfast BINGO or our annual picnic.
We look forward to you joining our community! Annual membership is $25. Members can attend our classes and activities for free or a small fee. We invite you to come in to meet our staff and members. You can click here to download the application and bring it in, or you can complete one when you arrive.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is a great way to stay active while sharing your talents and interests. There are many ways for you to help make our Center the best it can be. Let us know you want to be involved, and we’ll help you find the right activity. For more information about volunteer opportunities, click here.
Title VI Notice
Claymont Community Center operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations or to file a complaint, please contact us at (302) 792-2757.
The Brandywine Senior Center is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
For more information about the Brandywine Senior Center, contact Phyllis Hicks, Senior Center Manager, at (302) 798-5562 or [email protected].