Claymont Community Center provides a centralized location for a wide range of valuable programs and services.
In addition to our primary programs, our Building Partners offer medical, social, educational, recreational, and commercial services.
Meet our Building Partners:
Bernadette Allen Transformative Therapy
(302) 240-3749 ■ [email protected]
Brandywine Child Care and Preschool
(302) 793-0123 ■ www.brandywinechildcare.org
Brandywine School District SITE Program
(302) 792-1093 ■ www.brandywineschools.org
Building the Virtuous Temple Ministries (BVT)
Pastor Bryant (302) 893-4018 ■ http://www.powerup4success.net/
Claymont State Service Center
(302) 798-2870 ■ www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/main/maps/dsscmap/claymont.htm
GTech Cleaning
(302) 494-2102 ■ www.gtechcleaning.com
Home Helpers & Direct Link of Wilmington
(302) 746-7844 ■ www.homehelpershomecare.com
International Center for Career Training
(866) 669-0660 ■ www.icctusa.com
McAleer-Paulson School of Irish Dance
New Castle County Head Start, Inc.
Claymont: (302) 792-9065 ■ Brandywine: (302) 792-7826 ■ www.ncchs.org
Nrithyalavanyam School of Dance/Shivram Viswanthan Classical Indian Dancers
(302) 312-9898 ■ www.nrithyalavanyam.com
Dr O Licensed Clinical Counselor Practice
One Accord Music
(302) 500-9154 ■ [email protected]
Patchwork Human Services
(302) 501-6641 ■ www.patchworkhumanservices.com
People Helping People
(302) 390-8443 ■ [email protected]
Phyllis Smoyer, M.D., Psychiatrist
(302) 374-0698 ■ [email protected]
[email protected]
WIC (Women, Infants & Children)
(302) 798-2392 ■ www.dhss.delaware.gov/dph/chca/dphwichominf01.html
To learn more about how to become a Building Partner at Claymont Community Center, please contact Brandy Moore at (302) 792-2757 ext. 127.
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